Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Get Ur Good On and Miley

I think that PSA's(Public Service Announcement) can affect people in many different ways. One example is that it could affect the lives of people who are doing the things that the PSA tells them not to do and helps them to understand what they have done and what they aren't going to do in the future. It also affects the people who arent doing the things that the PSA is talking about, it can affect them about what they wont do in the future.
The things that people don't understand is, maybe what they are doing is wrong, hurtful to other people that are in that condition.
Anyone can make a PSA! Basketball teams, kids, adults, there are absolutely no limits to who can make a PSA!
Hear is one that i found that might be interesting!!!
Miley Cyrus-Get Ur Good On!-

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Favorite Poem - Snowman Poem

Soft, fragile snowflakes
Naughty boys throw snowballs

Owls fly in the night sky

Women and children play in the glittering white playground

Men snowboard on the ramps

Angels made by children on the ground

New snow silently covers the city

Creative Writing Activity - Have you ever thought what it would be like to be a Orange in a supermarket? Read on to find out! :)


Passion fruit: Ajda

T-O-M-A-T-O: Clare

Orange: Alek

Apple: Ogi

Frozen chicken: Francesca


“Hey what's up Apple?”

“Nothin', just chekin' out the new tomato, you?”

“Ya, I've been doin' that all day buddy!”

“Ya. So, has anyone looked at you so far?”

“YA! I've got a few looks and a few touches.”

“Ya, same. So who do you thing has more juice, the new t-o-m-a-t-o or passion fruit?”

“Definitely the new T-O-M-A-T-O! Who would you pick?”

“ I think that I would pick passion fruit!”

“Ok………. Hey, what’s happening? NO!!!

“NO!! Orange! Where are they taking you?!?!”

“I don’t know!!! But it looks like all of the oranges are being put next to the T-O-M-A-T-O-S!”

“Well, see ya! Have fun with your lovely senjorita!!”

After a little while, Orange introduced himself to T-O-M-A-T-O.

“Hey T-O-M-A-T-O. My name is Orange! What about yours?”

“My name is Tomato. So, how long have you been in this super market?”

“About maybe, what, 7 days.”

“Cool, so you know the shop really well?”

“Well not that well. When they moved me over here, that was the first time that I moved.”

“O. Wow, what’s happening!? Where are they taking me!?!”

“I’m coming for you!! Don’t worry!!”

Orange jumps inside the cart were tomato was.

“Yay!! I made it! Where are we going? Oh, hey frozen chicken! Watcha doin'?”

“Nothin'. Just chilin'.”

“Cool, cool!”

“I think that we are going to the check out.”

“Wait, how do you know what a check out is?”

“I know bananas and kiwis.”

“Ok, well I know, apples and oranges.”

“That doesn’t include your uncle John or you’re your friend apple!”

“How, do you know all of these things?”

“Wow, easy on the skin, I need it to be smooth! Like a babes bottom!”

As they were getting checked out the person who was behind the counter was throwing them into bags.

“Really? Seriously? You needed to do that?”

“Wow, why are we outside? What are these things with four round things on their sides?”

“Those are cars!”

“I swear, how do you know all of these things!?”

“I told you like thousand times! I know bananas and kiwis!”

“What are we doin' here anyways?”

“It’s called a trunk of a car!”


“Never mind.”

After a little while, they arrived at the person's home and they were placed on the counter.

“Ouch! Look, I have told you million times, easy on the skin! Oh, hey look there's passion fruit! Hey passion fruit!”

“Hey Orange, long time no see!”

“It’s only been like, what, a day!”

“Ya, but still. Never mind.”

“Oh hey, look their some kids! Oh no, they’re coming for me! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!”

“Well that’s the end of his life!”